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Processi partecipativi glocal. Il caso di Isernia

Sarno Emilia
Articolo Immagine
Geotema N.56/2018

Acquisto digitale


€ 20.00

Participatory glocal Processes. The Case of Isernia.

The paper analyzes a method used in urban policy experiences to encourage participatory processes: the Inclusive Laboratoryof Active Participation (LIPA) in the municipality of Isernia (Molise region, Italy). Having discussed some basic theoreticalaspects and defined the aims and the organization of the project, I focused on the participants involved in and on the twoactivities undertaken in LIPA: the collection of European funds and the development of a projects for immigrant people,the so-called SPRAR. The examination is carried out according to a qualitative/observational methodology: examinationof documents, attendance at the meetings and debates among participants. The results of the analysis allow us to focus onthe effectiveness of a laboratory of inclusion and to show its advantages and disadvantages. In fact, such an experienceis significant given that it shows the spread of new methodology of governance in a small town but, on the other hand,it highlights the difficulties in developing an effective bottom up model, especially as far as an innovative aspect aboutthe participatory process is concerned: bottom-up relationships. However, such difficulties provide elements useful for thediscussion and construction of participatory models.

Keywords: urban policy, participatory processes, inclusive laboratory, active citizenship, Molise region.