Sanctissima Augusta: the Contribution of Augusta Iulia Cornelia Salonina to the Western Image and Self-Representation of Gallienus (254-268)
In this article, we aim to examine the public presence of the Augusta Iulia Cornelia Salonina within the image and self-representation of the power of her husband, Publius Licinius Gallienus (253-268 AD). This research aims to investigate how the Augusta Salonina manifests herself within the public propaganda promoted by her consort, identifying the most frequently used media, the regions of the Empire where her presence is most rooted and the contribution she made to the dynastic image of the domus Licinia Augusta during the period between 254 and 268 AD. For instance, we will examine how the Augusta emerges most prominently in the Latin epigraphs of Italy, North Africa and Hispania, as well as actively participating in the image of various types of coins directly associated with Gallienus. This monetary involvement will be examined through the legends on the obverse of coins, such as SALONINA or CONCORDIA, and through its assimilating role with the figure of Σελήνη (Moon), as opposed to Gallienus’ role as Ἥλιος (Sun).
Keywords: Salonina, Sanctissima, Augusta, Power, Concordia.
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