In this article, I examine the depiction of the pagan Moors within the conflict between Vandals/Arians and Romans/Catholics in the History of Vandalic Persecution by Victor of Vita. In the first part of the paper, my main focus is on how, according to the author, the Vandals and Moors collaborate in persecuting the Romans. Following this, I explore some examples where, on the contrary, Romans and Moors jointly resist Vandal violences. In the analysis of these passages from the History, I highlight Victor’s use of biblical and classical literary references in his ‘construction’ not only of the three groups (Vandals, Romans, and Moors), but also of their interreligious relations. In this way, I show the complex religious dynamics and interactions within Victor’s narration.
Keywords: Victor of Vita, Mauri, Persecutions, Vandals, Interreligious dynamics.
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