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Nuove tecniche di trattamento per il riutilizzo dei materiali da scavo

Preda Giovanni Rapisardi Antonino
Articolo Immagine
Gallerie e grandi opere sotterranee
Gallerie e grandi opere sotterranee N.115/2015

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€ 20.00

Gli interventi infrastrutturali richiedono sempre più un approccio attento agli aspetti ambientali del territorio. La gestione di imponenti quantità di materiali di scavo comporta rilevanti problematiche tecniche ed ambientali che possono essere affrontate unicamente con un approccio multidisciplinare al problema. Alle problematiche di natura tecnica si aggiunge una corposa legislazione nazionale che, nonostante successivi interventi in questi ultimi anni, ancora non offre ai tecnici chiari percorsi applicativi delle norme stesse. La stratificazione normativa, l’uso improprio di terminologie e le complicazioni procedurali introdotte generano dubbi sulla corretta applicazione delle norme sia alle Amministrazioni competenti, sia agli operatori. Negli ultimi anni, per i motivi appena accennati, sono state rilevate modalità di gestione delle terre e rocce da scavo molto diverse e poco coerenti tra loro [1].

New processing methods for the re-use of excavated material 
This article highlights the top issue concerning the proper management of excavation material, the many complex technologies that can be used in the material handling process, as well as the doubtless environmental and socio-economic advantages arising from the adoption of an approach pursuant to EU directives. Unfortunately, technical problems are not eased by the existing National legislation which, despite some subsequent latest interventions, failed to provide technicians with adequate information on how to apply the relevant regulations. The large amount of laws, the improper use of technical terms, as well as the complex procedures make both competent Authorities and operators have doubts about the proper application of regulations. Excavation activities may generate large quantities of spoil material whose environmental features do not allow its direct re-use. For said material, the on site treatment through waste recovery plants may represent both the safest solution – under a regulatory and environmental perspective – and the most reasonable cost approach. The S&SW (Soil & Sediment Washing) is an ex-situ remediation process that can be carried out both as an off-site intervention – with fixed plants – and as an on-site treatment with mobile plants. Said technological process can be effectively applied to the processing of excavated material. In order to make a real contribution to territorial and environmental protection, it is important that the re-use of resources is achieved not only through common industrial practices, but also with innovative and renewed technologies referring to the best pratices of the specific sector. In this way, the S&SW treatment can be boosted through process stabilization of the fine fraction, in order to provide suitable geomechanical features and with the goal of developing a zero discharge process.