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A new attested Antiocheia in Troad

Lenger Dinçer Savaş 
Articolo Immagine
Rivista Storica dell’Antichità
Rivista Storica dell’Antichità N.XLII/2012

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€ 20.00

Kebren is one of the most important city of the Troas region. It participated in the foundation of Antigoneia by synoecism after 311 b.C. Following the defeat at The Battle of Ipsus in 301 b.C., the region fell into Lysimachus hands and later, Antigoneia was re-established and renamed Alexandreia. Imhoof-Blumer and then L. Robert argue that the coins with Kebren iconography and having the legend ANTI/ANTIOXEΩΝ must have been stucked under the rule of Antiochus I, in the period between 280-270 b.C. Even the re-establishment of Kebren under the rule of Antiochus I has communis opinio among the modern scholars; Cook rejects this argument, according the evidences is based on the iconographic relation of the coins is not supported by ancient sources, epigraphical evidence or archeological findings. On the other hand three coins founded during the excavations of Assus is the first attestation and also the confirmation of Antiocheia in the region. Keywords: Antiocheia, Kebren, Troad, Hellenistic, Coin.