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La landscape literacy per un paesaggio condiviso

Castiglioni Benedetta
Articolo Immagine
Geotema N.47/2015

Acquisto digitale


€ 20.00

Reflecting upon landscape literacy, towards a shared landscape following the entry into force of the european landscape

Convention, the issues of participation and involvement of the public and the attention to the landscapes of everyday life can not be forgotten. In the Italian case, these issues do not be easily reconciled with the more traditional approach in landscape policies, aimed primarily to preservation through exceptional measures imposed from above. Possible contradictions and inconsistencies emerge, as well as misuses of the very idea of landscape, caught between stereotypes, regulatory rigidities, expectations of local communities and rhetorical speeches. In an effort to identify ways to build positive processes, clear in their assumptions and their objective and consistent in the way of structure, and in an attempt to contribute to the scientific debate that moves around these issues, the present paper explores the topic of landscape literacy as a process to build real involvement of the people on the themes of landscape, from the stage of awareness and education. Theoretical considerations will be accompanied by the discussion on the practical experience made within the Landscape Observatory of the Brenta River Valley (VI). 

Keywords: European Landscape Convention, Landscape Awareness, Landscape Literacy, Landscape Observatories.