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La Torino-Lione procede in sicurezza

Virano Mario
Articolo Immagine
GEAM N.154/2018

TELT è il promotore pubblico di una delle opere più importanti al mondo, la sezione transfrontaliera della nuova linea Torino-Lione. Nel 2015 la società ha ottenuto l’ingresso nel Global Compact delle Nazioni Unite, aderendo ai dieci principi in materia di diritti umani, ambiente, lotta alla corruzione e rispetto delle norme internazionali del lavoro. Questo impegno si è tradotto nell’impegno di controllo costante delle condizioni di lavoro degli operai nei cantieri, nel dialogo costruttivo con le imprese e nello sforzo posto nelle gare per l’affidamento dei lavori definitivi esclusivamente ad aziende in grado di garantire elevati standard di sicurezza. A questo scopo le commissioni di gara adottano criteri premianti per le aziende candidate. A conferma di questo impegno, TELT ha ottenuto a fine 2017 la certificazione BS:OHSAS 18001 per la Sicurezza e la Salute dei lavori. Nel 2016 inoltre, è stato finalizzato il documento Regole Comuni di Sicurezza e Igiene del Lavoro tra Francia e Italia, redatto dalle ispezioni del lavoro francesi e italiane con il contributo di TELT e successiva validazione da parte della CIG. TELT è al lavoro per dare voce, tecnologia e contenuti alla Cultura della Sicurezza tramite specifiche convenzioni con università e organismi internazionali. 

Parole chiave: TELT, tunnel, sicurezza, cultura, gare. 

The Turin Lyon proceeds safely. 

TELT is the public sponsor of one of the world’s most important projects, the cross-border section of the new Turin-Lyon line. In 2015 the company became a member of the United Nations Global Compact, adhering to the ten principles in terms of human rights, the environment, the fight against corruption and compliance with international labour standards. This commitment led to the undertaking to constantly control the working conditions of the workers on the sites, in a constructive dialogue with the companies and to stipulate in the invitations to tender that the definitive works will be entrusted exclusively to companies capable of guaranteeing high standards of safety. For this purpose the tender committees have adopted incentive criteria for the candidate companies. Confirming this commitment, at the end of 2017 TELT obtained the BS:OHSAS 18001 Safety and Health Management certificate. In 2016, furthermore, the document Common Rules of Safety and Hygiene at Work between France and Italy was issued, drawn up by the French and Italian work inspectors with TELT’s contribution and subsequent validation by the CIG. TELT is working to give voice, technology and content to the Safety Culture by means of specific agreements with universities and international organisations. 

Keywords: TELT, tunnel, safety, culture, invitations to tender. 

The Turin Lyon proceeds safely. 

TELT is the public sponsor of one of the world’s most important projects, the cross-border section of the new Turin-Lyon line. In 2015 the company became a member of the United Nations Global Compact, adhering to the ten principles in terms of human rights, the environment, the fight against corruption and compliance with international labour standards. This commitment led to the undertaking to constantly control the working conditions of the workers on the sites, in a constructive dialogue with the companies and to stipulate in the invitations to tender that the definitive works will be entrusted exclusively to companies capable of guaranteeing high standards of safety. For this purpose the tender committees have adopted incentive criteria for the candidate companies. Confirming this commitment, at the end of 2017 TELT obtained the BS:OHSAS 18001 Safety and Health Management certificate. In 2016, furthermore, the document Common Rules of Safety and Hygiene at Work between France and Italy was issued, drawn up by the French and Italian work inspectors with TELT’s contribution and subsequent validation by the CIG. TELT is working to give voice, technology and content to the Safety Culture by means of specific agreements with universities and international organisations. 

Keywords: TELT, tunnel, safety, culture, invitations to tender.